Access to Basic Services and Accessibility of the Population

Schmid, D., Bartholdi, M., Moosmann, K., Czeh, A., Engelskirchen, M. (2013). Access to Basic Services and Accessibility of the Population; Kreditbank für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ.
Mobility is a key element in the economic and social development of rural areas. The following article gives an overview about the interdependencies of transport and rural development. The possible impacts of infrastructure measures, the stakeholders, competencies and responsibilities during the planning process at local, regional and national level and in this context the need for international intervention are discussed. Moreover, the article will show an approach of integrated planning at regional and national scale. The methods to build infrastructure and the possibilities and challenges of maintenance and financing these transport routes will be addressed. Apart from the possibilities of managing the infrastructure in order to improve mobility services will be explained, as well.