
This interdisciplinary research colloquium provides a forum for the presentation and critical discussion of research findings from the field of mobility research. Discussions of ongoing research generally address the proposed theoretical and methodological approaches as well as any interim results. Final research results are also the subject of critical and reflective discussion here. Issues relating to methodologies for social science and transdisciplinary research are also explored in this colloquium, which is open to PhD students, potential candidates and researchers from relevant fields. Sessions begin with a brief introduction and a presentation of approximately 30 minutes, followed by discussion.


Date: Tuesdays (fortnightly), 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., online event.

Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting-ID: 817 6534 8965
ID code: 313932

Topics and speakers:
19.04.2022: Alexander Czeh
DLR, TU Braunschweig
The Potential of the Traffic Transformation towards Sustainable Modes of Transport for the Re-design of the Built Urban Environment

03.05.2022: Michael Bissel
TU Berlin
How do cargo bikes influence car use and ownership? First insights into empirical research [German

17.05.2022 Katharina Götting & Anke Kläver
IASS Potsdam, TU Berlin / FG NaMo, Research Group EXPERI
Participation & Kiezblocks - How can participation be designed so that it leads to acceptance and reaches diverse target groups? [German] erreicht?

31.05.2022: Martha Vobruba
TU Berlin / Integrierte Verkehrsplanung
Realexperimente als Instrument der kommunalen Verkehrsplanung - Untersuchung im Rahmen des Wrangelkiez traffic transition project [German]

14.06.2022: Christina Wolking
TU Berlin / Integrated Transport Planning / Transport Seminar
Mobility-as-a-service from theory to practice - analysis of potentials and implementation barriers of multimodal mobility platforms [German]

28.06.2022: Nicolina Kirby
IASS Potsdam, University of Stuttgart
The relationship between participation and societal resilience: An analysis based on the example of councils of the future and the possibilities of participatory urban design [German]

12.07.2022: Katharina Huseljić & Laura Mark
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, TU Berlin, Integrated Transport Planning
Socio-spatial justice through public participation? How different socioeconomic groups perceive
measures from a mobility planning process in Hamburg

Zur Übersicht der Themen und Vortragenden (pdf)