Photo: Die Hoffotografen GmbH

Doctoral Candidate

Katharina Götting joined the Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (RIFS) as a research associate in June 2019. As part of an interdisciplinary junior research group, she is writing her thesis on psychological factors that influence the acceptance of traffic measures aimed at reallocating public space and access to these spaces. She is particularly interested in the perceived equity and the concept of acceptance.

Katharina Götting previously worked on a variety of topics with the adelphi think tank. She studied psychology in Wuppertal and Berlin and wrote her master thesis on nature connectedness. She is a member of the environmental psychology collective Wandelwerk e.V. and a qualified systemic mediator.



Kläver, A., Götting, K. (2023). Moderating the mobility transition - conditions for successful democratic negotiation at the municipal level. Lokale Verkehrswende Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 51-52/2023.


Jarass, J., Nähring, A., Merzoug, S., Becker, S., Götting, K., Kläver, A., Czeh, A. (2021). Square instead of intersection - Rethinking street space: More quality of stay in public space as a driver for the traffic turnaround. International Transportation 4|2021, 18-22.

Becker, S., Götting, K. (2021). Pathways to climate-friendly mobility behavior, in Nanz, P., Lawrence, M. G., Renn, O., & Meyer, J. (Eds.). (2021). Climate protection: Knowledge and action. Bonn: Federal Agency for Civic Education, 61-75.


Götting, K., Becker, S. (2020). Reactions to the pop-up cycle paths in Berlin. Results of an exploratory survey on temporary cycling infrastructure in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. IASS Study.


Renn, O., Becker, S., Gaschnig, H., Götting, K., Lilliestam, J., Schäuble, D., & Setton, D. (2019). Carbon Pricing for a Socially Just Energy Transition. IASS Policy Brief, 2019(10).


Renn, O., Becker, S., Gaschnig, H., Götting, K., Lilliestam, J., Schäuble, D., & Setton, D. (2019). CO2-Bepreisung für eine sozial gerechte Energiewende. IASS Policy Brief, 2019(6).


Götting, K., Böhme, T., Geiger, S. M. (2019). Connectedness to Nature Scale – Adolescents (CNS-A) Entwicklung und Validierung einer Skala zur Erfassung von Naturverbundenheit bei Jugendlichen. Umweltpsychologie 23(2), 131-150.

Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit (RIFS)
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Berliner Straße 130
14467 Potsdam

Category Media
The Berliner Morgenpost mentioned EXPERI's survey on the acceptance of pop-up infrastructure in Berlin in a report on pop-up cycle lanes.
Category Media
The trade magazine Internationales Verkehrswesen reports on EXPERI's ongoing survey on the acceptance of pop-up bike lanes in Berlin.
Category Media
In a report picked up by several media sites, the news agency dpa reports on the survey on the acceptance of pop-up infrastructure in Berlin conducted by EXPERI.
Category Blog
Cycling as a matter of course Many people in this country perceive cycling as a leisure or sport activity that is mainly practised on holiday or trips. As an everyday means of transport, cycling seems to be an option for only a few - with exceptions such as in Münster and Bremen.
Category Media
The online seminars of the project "Straßen für Menschen" (Streets for People) start the next round, this time around the topic of traffic experiments. On five dates in November and December, there will be inputs, discussions and best practice examples on a wide variety of topics from the field of traffic experiments.
Category Blog
It was one year ago that the first pop-up bike lane was established in Berlin at Hallesches Ufer. Many more followed - especially in the district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Air quality measurements on Kottbusser Damm show that cyclists are now exposed to less air pollution in the form of nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) than before the pop-up bike lanes were set up - regardless of the pandemic.
Category Media
A report on the planned expansion of pop-up cycle lanes in Berlin cites the results of EXPERI's survey on the acceptance of the new infrastructure.