Photo: Die Hoffotografen GmbH

Doctoral Candidate

Marlene Sattler joined TU Berlin as a research assistant in August 2019. As part of the interdisciplinary junior research group, she is writing her PhD thesis on the discourse of reporting on road fatalities in the context of the Berlin Mobility Act.

Marlene Sattler completed her master’s degree in Social and Business Communications at the University of the Arts Berlin with a focus on risk and crisis communication. She wrote her thesis about the non-topic of traffic fatalities in Germany. In 2013, she finished her bachelor’s studies in Communication Design at the College for Technology and Business Berlin. For her first dissertation, she captured different aspects of forensic medicine photographically, documenting how employees cope with the daily confrontation with death. After her bachelor’s studies, she co-founded a communication and design agency of which she was a managing associate until 2016.

Technische Universität Berlin
Department of Sustainable Mobility and Transdisciplinary Research Methods
Faculty I - IBBA - MAR 1-1
Marchstraße 23
10587 Berlin

Category Blog
Houten as an example of sustainably safe infrastructure
Auch wenn die absolute Anzahl der Verkehrstoten zurückgeht, stagniert die der getöteten Radfahrer:innen seit einigen Jahren und stieg zuletzt sogar wieder an. 2020 starben in Berlin 18 Radfahrer:innen. Das Forschungsvorhaben...
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Younger children up to the age of 9 are most frequently killed as passengers in cars; children aged 10 - 14 are most frequently killed on bicycles, but in 2019 most children were killed as pedestrians. Unsurprisingly, walking to school is particularly dangerous for children.
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The number of traffic fatalities in Germany has decreased significantly compared to today since a peak of 21,332 in 1970. In 2019, the figure was 3046, and in 2020 it is expected to be less than 3000 for the first time. This figure is a political and social success. This reduction in road deaths can be attributed to various factors.
Category Media
Marlene Sattler is interviewed by the news television station WELT on cycling safety and the safe design of cycle lanes.
Category Blog
Nicht nur Fehler beim Abbiegen sind hauptverantwortlich für Unfälle mit tödlichem Personenschaden, sondern auch das Fahren mit nichtangepasster Geschwindigkeit.[4] Umso wichtiger ist die Novelle der StVO im Bereich der Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung und...