A square, not an intersection - rethinking street space: How improving the quality of public space can drive the transport transition
Category Publication
byDr Julia Jarass
16 November 2021
Jarass, J., Nähring, A., Merzoug, S., Becker, S., Götting, K., Kläver, A., Czeh, A. (2021). Platz statt Kreuzung - Straßenraum neu denken: Mehr Aufenthaltsqualität im öffentlichen Raum als Treiber für die Verkehrswende. Internationales Verkehrswesen 4|2021, 18-22.
Especially in cities, public space is a scarce resource that is claimed for different uses. The question therefore arises as to how public space can be redesigned and redistributed to benefit as many city dwellers as possible and to promote active mobility. This question was addressed by the DLR Institute of Transport Research as part of the transdisciplinary research group EXPERI - The transport transition as a social-ecological real-world experiment (TU Berlin, IASS, DLR). EXPERI accompanied a five-week real-world experiment in Berlin-Charlottenburg using participatory formats and qualitative and quantitative methods.