Category Publication
This article uses quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate which objectively measurable emotional reactions occur during a walk, which correlations to spatial characteristics can be derived, and to what extent the physical reactions correspond to the subjective assessment of the test persons.
Category Media
It is obvious that mobility has to change, as it has a major impact on climate change and greenhouse emissions, land consumption as well as tangible disadvantages such as accidents, illnesses caused by air pollution and noise pollution and lack of exercise. In the interview, you learn about Tactical Urbanism, efficiency and co-working spaces, among other things, and what this has to do with modern mobility. Synergy effects and the interconnection of means of transport also play a major role.
Category Media
radioeins from the rbb in "Rad'n'Roll" with spoken contributions by Sophia Becker on Berlin's mobility law.
Category Publication
The Berlin Mobility Act (MobG BE) has raised great expectations for a rapid transformation of the capital into a people- and environmentally-friendly mobility space. This paper reviews progress in four areas of action.
  Expert:innenworkshop des Forschungs- und Praxisprojektes StadtQuartier 4.1 Zahlreiche Forschungsvorhaben, Modellprojekte und Reallabore widmen sich neuen Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Mobilitäts- und Logistikwende. Dazu zählt auch das BMBF-geförderte Forschungs- und...
Category Media
Is public transport the crucial means for the transport transition to succeed? Or rather, what course must the future Berlin Senate set for a new mobility in any case?
Category Media
In an interview with the Märkische Allgemeine, Sophia Becker explains what the mobility transformation can and should look like in a flat land like Brandenburg.
Category Media
The Norwegian Cyclists' Association "Syklistforeningen" quotes from the IASS study on pop-up bike lanes by Prof. Dr Sophia Becker and Katharina Götting.
Category Blog
Younger children up to the age of 9 are most frequently killed as passengers in cars; children aged 10 - 14 are most frequently killed on bicycles, but in 2019 most children were killed as pedestrians. Unsurprisingly, walking to school is particularly dangerous for children.
Category Media
Sophia Becker und Anke Sterz ziehen nach drei Jahren Berliner Mobilitätsgesetz eine überwiegend positive Bilanz und empfehlen anderen Städten, dem Beispiel zu folgen.