Category Blog
Four common trends which are leading to scarcity of space for active mobility In most Central European cities the public space and especially the space for active transport is increasingly...
Alexander Czeh untersucht in seiner Dissertation die Potenziale der Verkehrswende für den Wohnungsmarkt am Beispiel von „off-street automobile infrastructure“, der Autoinfrastruktur außerhalb des Straßenraumes. Da nachhaltige Verkehrsträger deutlich weniger Platz...
Insbesondere in Städten macht sich der motorisierte Verkehr durch die negativen Auswirkungen in Form von Luftschadstoffen, Lärm, Verkehrsunfällen und Flächenversiegelung bemerkbar. Zudem herrscht in Deutschland Bewegungsmangel bei Kindern und Erwachsenen,...
Category Publication
In 2019, Brandenburg faces major challenges and important decisions. The Policy Brief contains recommendations for structural change and mobility to policy makers.
Category Publication
This case study underlines why the advantages of cycling are even greater in a city with conditions like Monrovia than in a developed city.
Category Publication
Mobility is a key element in the economic and social development of rural areas. The following article gives an overview about the interdependencies of transport and rural development.
Category Publication
Determining mobility behaviour has always been a concern of policy and planning. What factors affect mobility behaviour and how can they be managed?
Category Publication
The case study covers challenges of motorcycle transport in Liberia based on a survey of national and local stakeholders. The study gives recommendations in order to improve the security of drivers and customers as well as for the improvement of the working conditions.