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Alexander Czeh bei der Velo-city in Ghent: “Can cycling help to solve the housing crisis?”

Juni 19um10:45 - 11:45

From research to practice: Studying the benefits of cycling

 19 Jun 2024       10:45 – 11:45        CUBERDON (Orange room)       Lectures
Academic sessions: From research to practice

Accessibility to essential services and economic opportunities, healthier lifestyles, a more efficient use of public space, reductions in transport emissions: We know that cycling has many benefits – but how can we quantify them? The research contributions will look at this question from different angles and with a global perspective, bringing together presentations from Africa, Asia and Europe.


Felipe Targa

Senior Urban Transport Specialist
World Bank
Lima – Peru

Alexander Czeh

Research Associate
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Transport Research
Berlin – Germany
Presentation title: Can cycling help to solve the housing crisis?

Emilia Suomalainen

Leading Researcher
Finnish Environment Institute
Helsinki – Finland
Presentation title: Can cycling to work reduce transport emissions also in Northern countries?

Winnie Sambu

Global Research and Evaluation Manager
World Bicycle Relief
London – United Kingdom
Presentation title: Monitoring the effects of bicycle access on productivity and access to essential services and economic opportunities in Malawi and Zambia

Ya-Wen Chen

National Taiwan University, Advanced Public Transportation Research Center
Taipei – Taiwan
Presentation title: Health Benefits of Public Bikes in Taipei


Gent, 9000 Belgien
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