Forschungskolloquium des Fachgebiets Nachhaltige Mobilität und transdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden (NaMo) Sommersemsester 2021 Termin: mittwochs (14-tägig), 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr, Online-Veranstaltung
Nicole de Paula „Planetary Health: Re-Imagining Human Health in the Anthropocene“ Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic exposed multiple interconnected crises that put our health and well-being at risk. This talk explores how...
TU Berlin for Future – die Ringvorlesung zum Klimaschutz   Die Corona-Krise ist bereits eine große gesellschaftliche Herausforderung. Doch die Klima-Krise wird uns noch viel stärker fordern. Deshalb sind jetzt...
Online-Seminar und Diskussion am 7. April 2021 um 16:00 Uhr im Rahmen von SolveClimate2030 Schülerinnen und Studierende, zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen und alle anderen Interessierten werden am 7. April 2021 an den...
Natalia Realpe Carrillo „Impact-Driven and Action-Based Research Project (IMPACT-R) – Background, Goals, Activities, and Methods“ Abstract: Understanding the needs of the population, beyond national statistics, is crucial to achieving sustainable...
Parul Kumar „Unpackaging the Packaging Sector and other Learnings from the fellowship“ Abstract: The focus on packaging as a subject of regulation has gained prominence in recent years, owing to...
Ilan Chabay, Flavio Lira and Claudia Schmitt ”Adventures in Creative Design for Sustainable Future” Abstract: We will present our explorations on “Adventures in Creative Design for Sustainable Futures”, an online...
Stephan Lorenz „Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research: Sociological Reflection, Procedural Perspectives and Professional Cooperation“ In this Tuesday Talk Stephan would like to discuss his paper. The paper sets out to contributing to...
Forschungskolloquium des Fachgebiets Nachhaltige Mobilität und transdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden (NaMo) Wintersemester 2020/21 Termin: mittwochs (14-tägig), 14:00 bis 15:00 Uhr, online-Veranstaltung Berenike Feldhoff, WWU Münster, Forschungsgruppe DYNAMO: “To what extent do bottom-up bicycle activism and associated representations of cycling influence the governance of sustainable urban mobility, and mobility transitions?” (laufendes Promotionsprojekt)
Sustainable transport and mobility are key to tackle the climate crisis and to achieve the targets of the European Green Deal. However, transport today accounts for nearly 30 percent of...