Category Media
The interactive map on Berlin's pop-up infrastructure created by Alexander Czeh for EXPERI was mentioned in the Tagesspiegel Background for the Mobility and Transport Sector newsletter.
Category Blog
Houten as an example of sustainably safe infrastructure
Category Blog
Cycling as a matter of course Many people in this country perceive cycling as a leisure or sport activity that is mainly practised on holiday or trips. As an everyday means of transport, cycling seems to be an option for only a few - with exceptions such as in Münster and Bremen.
Category Blog
Four common trends which are leading to scarcity of space for active mobility In most Central European cities the public space and especially the space for active transport is increasingly...
Category Media
Sophia Becker was a guest on the radio programme Der schöne Morgen of the RBB’s Radio Eins on the topic of rental bicycles on 10 March 2020.
Category Media
Sophia Becker is quoted in an article at ZEIT online.
Category Media
The importance of new civil society initiatives for a successful transport transition was emphasised by Dr Sophia Becker from TU Berlin in an interview with the AutoMobil podcast from
Category Publication
The current paper summarises the status and evolving trend in cargo-bikesharing by analysing five essential aspects of current cargo-bikesharing schemes in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Category Publication
How can cities solve the pressing environmental problems caused by the excessive use of private cars? By creating Free Cargo-Bikesharing systems, citizens are taking forward the transition to sustainable transportation systems.
Category Publication
This case study underlines why the advantages of cycling are even greater in a city with conditions like Monrovia than in a developed city.