Die interdisziplinäre Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe EXPERI lud Akteur*innen aus Forschung, Verwaltung, Stadt- und Mobilitätsplanung, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft zur Vorstellung der Handlungsempfehlungen ein. Die Verkehrswende erfolgreich umzusetzen, bedeutet auch, die knappe Ressource des...
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The first episode takes a look at temporary measures in urban and traffic planning with guests Dr Julia Jarass from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Katharina Götting (RIFS Potsdam). Julia Jarass presents the results of the real-world laboratory "Autofreie Sommerstraße Barbarossa", which was carried out in Berlin-Schöneberg in 2021. Katharina Götting reports on the effects of pop-up bike infrastructure, which she studied with her team in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
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Real-world experiments have become popular in urban planning and mobility research. But what contribution can they make to a sustainable and equitable transport transition? A new study shows where real-world labs fall short.
Category Blog
Real-world experiments have become popular in urban planning and mobility research. But what contribution can they make to a sustainable and equitable transport transition? A new study shows where real-world labs fall short.
Category Media
The online seminars of the project "Straßen für Menschen" (Streets for People) start the next round, this time around the topic of traffic experiments. On five dates in November and December, there will be inputs, discussions and best practice examples on a wide variety of topics from the field of traffic experiments.
Category Blog
Organised by the EXPERI research group, the symposium “The Transport Transition: Rethinking Urban Space" opened on 6 October 2022 at Place of Participation – a pop-up venue on Kurfürstendamm – attended by almost 100 guests and the EXPERI team.
Category Media
The online seminars of the project "Straßen für Menschen" (Streets for People) start the next round, this time around the topic of traffic experiments. On five dates in November and December, there will be inputs, discussions and best practice examples on a wide variety of topics from the field of traffic experiments.
Die interdisziplinäre Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe EXPERI lud Akteur*innen aus Forschung, Verwaltung, Stadt- und Mobilitätsplanung, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft zur Vorstellung der Zwischenergebnisse ein. Die Verkehrswende erfolgreich umzusetzen, bedeutet auch, die knappe Ressource des...
Category Media
Dr Julia Jarass answers questions on the (re)design of public space, on local interventions using the example of Berlin and on dealing with reactions and feedback on real-world experiments.
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The Digital Tuesday #21 of the Planersocietät was about quiet neighbourhoods and superblocks. Barcelona has become a model for many urban and transport planners worldwide. What can be learned from this concept and how can it be transferred to Germany?