Die interdisziplinäre Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe EXPERI lud Akteur*innen aus Forschung, Verwaltung, Stadt- und Mobilitätsplanung, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft zur Vorstellung der Handlungsempfehlungen ein. Die Verkehrswende erfolgreich umzusetzen, bedeutet auch, die knappe Ressource des öffentlichen Raums neu zu denken und zu verteilen. Daher stellten wir unsere Collection of ideas “Impulses for the urban traffic turnaround” We were pleased to be able to present and discuss with you our ideas on the topics of space allocation and redesign.

When: Wednesday, 03.07.2024 | 09:00 - 17:30

Where: Coworking Space EINS of the Technical University of Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin




Registration | Arrival



Introduction to the Program
Prof. Dr Sophia Becker, Project Leader EXPERI

EXPERI Conference 2024 “Traffic turnaround: Redesigning urban space” | Photo: Rybtsiv, EXPERI


Keynote: Social science mobility research and the challenges of a mobility transition
Prof. Dr. Katharina ManderscheidUniversity of Hamburg | Department of Socioeconomics | Chair of Sociology, especially Lifestyle and Sustainability

Keynote: Social science mobility research and the challenges of a mobility turnaround | Prof. Dr. Katharina Manderscheid


Discussion & questions about the keynote

EXPERI conference 2024 “Traffic turnaround: Redesigning urban space” | Graphic: annelehmann.de


Coffee break

EXPERI-Fachtagung 2024 | Foto: Rybtsiv, EXPERI
EXPERI-Fachtagung 2024 | Foto: Rybtsiv, EXPERI


Actors and Acceptance
for the traffic turnaround

  • Prof. Dr Sophia Becker: What role does acceptance play in the implementation of transport policy measures and how does it change over time? (pdf)
  • Katharina Götting: From parking lot to public square: What influences the acceptance of land redistribution? (pdf)

Room 2: Workshop: Perception, language, sensitization (11:00 - 12:30)
The influence of police reports on cyclist fatalities on the discourse in Berlin (2016 - 2021)
Marlene Sattler

Workshop: Perception, language, sensitization


Panel discussion:
Actors and Acceptance
for the traffic turnaround

  • Prof. Dr Sophia Becker
  • Katharina Götting
  • Dr. Stefan Lehmkühler, Changing Cities e.V.
  • Dr. Jasmin Rychlik, ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
  • Oliver Schruoffeneger, District Councillor for Urban Development, Construction and the Environment in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Panel discussion: Stakeholders and acceptance for the transport transition

As part of the symposium, a workshop was offered on the perception of police reports on cyclist fatalities. The main aim was to sensitize participants to the language used and to draw attention to discursive mechanisms. The focus was on the question of the responsibility of the cyclists and motorists involved in the fatal collision. In addition to a brief input on the Dissertation project by Marlene Sattler was followed by a lively exchange between the participants, including representatives from the police, civil society and research.

Vorträge & Podiumsdiskussion: Akteure und Akzeptanz für die Verkehrswende | EXPERI-Fachtagung 2024 | Grafik: annelehmann.de


Lunch break with snack | Market of opportunities

Impulses for the urban traffic turnaround - A collection of ideas from the EXPERI research project (pdf)
EXPERI-Fachtagung 2024
EXPERI-Fachtagung 2024
EXPERI-Fachtagung 2024


Redesigning the urban space - space potential for housing and active mobility

  • Dr Julia Jarass: More space for active mobility - experiences from Berlin, Athens and Paris (pdf)
  • Alexander Czeh: The potential of the transport transition for the housing market
More space for active mobility - experiences from Berlin, Athens and Paris | Dr. Julia Jarass


Panel discussion:
From car space consumption to alternative use using the example of experimental rooms and living space

  • Martin Burth, Kiezbündnis Klausenerplatz e.V.
  • Alexander Czeh
  • Dr. Silke Domasch, Reallabor Radbahn Berlin
  • Dr Julia Jarass
  • Roland Stimpel, Fuss e.V.
  • Dr. Lea Wisken, Head of the Mobility and Cycling Department at MIL Brandenburg
Podiumsdiskussion EXPERI-Fachtagung 2024
Podiumsdiskussion EXPERI-Fachtagung 2024

Room 2: Workshop: Participation in the municipal transport transition: Between importance and challenges (14:00 - 15:00)
Anke Kläver

Workshop: Participation in the municipal transport transition

The workshop focused on understanding the importance of participatory planning in the local transportation transition. The individual and institutional challenges of participation on the part of civil society and the administration, which make genuine participation and participatory planning processes difficult, were elaborated. The subsequent discussion centered on what needs to happen to improve the processes and contribute to a just local transport transition. The discussion focused on whose voices should be heard, which formats are suitable, which spaces should be visited and what commissioning parties should consider.

Lectures & panel discussion: Redesigning urban space - space potential for housing and active mobility | Graphic: annelehmann.de

15:00 -

Conclusion & outlook
Dr Julia Jarass

16:00 -

Regulars' table on the transport transition
Moderation: Caro Stoeckermann

Stammtisch Verkehrswende 2024 | Foto: Rybtsiv, EXPERI
Stammtisch Verkehrswende 2024 | Foto: Rybtsiv, EXPERI

Guided tour of the architecture and sustainability of the TU Berlin campus
Dr. Hans-Dieter NägelkeDirector of the Architecture Museum of the TU Berlin

Architecture tour TU Berlin
Architecture tour TU Berlin
Architecture tour TU Berlin