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IASS Tuesday Talks: ”Adventures in Creative Design for Sustainable Future

März 9, 2021um14:00 - 16:00

Ilan Chabay, Flavio Lira and Claudia Schmitt
”Adventures in Creative Design for Sustainable Future”

We will present our explorations on “Adventures in Creative Design for Sustainable Futures”, an online workshop we have set up as an interdisciplinary team in order to foster new perspectives for social learning in complex settings. Applying creativity techniques and reflections on joint values is at the core of the workshop, which aims at triggering transformative learning processes for interactive sustainable development. Besides offering insights into the structure of the workshop and the experiences we have gained so far in conducting it, we will also illustrate some exercises, show creative output generated by a group of participants and discuss our plans to evaluate the immediate impressions and longer-term impact of this form of workshop on the participants.

Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

Ilan Chabay is an adventure addict and incorrigible instigator of diverse activities. He is also Visiting Professor at Kyoto University during January-May 2021 at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute and Graduate School for Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability. At IASS, Ilan is Head of Strategic Science Initiatives and Programs; Scientific project leader of the Knowledge, Learning, and Societal Change Alliance (KLASICA) and Global Sustainability Strategy Forum (GSSF) projects; he is also Adjunct Professor, School of Sustainability and Global Future Lab, Arizona State University Barrett & O’Connor Center, Washington DC USA.

Flavio Lira is adjunct Professor of International Relations at the Federal University of the Pampas in Brazil. His research has mainly focused on: a) Russian Foreign Policy and Energy Geopolitics; and b) Brazil’s Energy Policymaking. As a professor, he has mostly taught International Relations Theory, Energy Geopolitics, Russian Foreign Policy, and Political Theory. His main research interests are: Brazilian energy policymaking, sustainable policymaking in times of democratic deficit, Russian foreign policy and energy geopolitics, and the geopolitics of traditional and non-traditional energy resources. At the IASS he is currently researching Brazil’s renewable energy policymaking under the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro and its impact on Brazil-Germany relations.

Claudia Schmitt is an IASS Fellow since April 2020 and does her applied research in the field of Whole Institution Approaches for Sustainable Development as well as Education for Sustainable Development. She is co-founder and board member of the German Association for Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions (DG HochN). Claudia holds a diploma in Psychology and did her PhD research on transformational leadership processes. She has been involved in several inter- and transdisciplinary projects concerned with topics such as value-based learning for change, creativity/open innovation and coping with dilemmas. She has launched the BMBF-funded initiative HochN, the first Hamburg Sustainable Development Summit, an SDG ambassador program at University of Hamburg and a book publication on Psychology and Sustainability.

Previous Tuesday Talks

February 23, 2021:
Stephan Lorenz

„Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research: Sociological Reflection, Procedural Perspectives and Professional Cooperation“

February 16, 2021:
Natalia Realpe Carrillo, Sebastian Groh, Shonali Pachauri and Gunther Bensch

Five years of the MTF to measure energy access –
Practices, lessons learned, & outlook for cost-efficiently tracking progress towards SDG 7


März 9, 2021
14:00 - 16:00
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IASS Potsdam
+49 331 28827 733
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