In der fünften Sitzung wurden die Teilnehmenden von Expert:innen im Handlungsfeld Mobilität informiert.
As part of CLIMATE:LAB #2, Sophia Becker presented the research group EXPERI in a pitch on 20 April 2021.
The MODUS-COVID report of 05.02.2021 deals with the current contact reductions and possible slight relaxations. Sophia Becker contributed to the report, among other things to bring in a behavioural psychology perspective.
Thanks to modern cargo bikes and bike trailers, about half of all motorised trips for transporting goods (69% private / 31% commercial) in European cities could be shifted to bicycles.
Prof. Dr. Sophia Becker, Leiterin des Fachgebiets Nachhaltige Mobilität und transdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden an der Technischen Universität Berlin, nahm am 19.01.2021 auf Einladung der Fraktion DIE LINKE. als Sachverständige an der Anhörung des...
With reference to previous empirical findings by IASS and ENavi researchers, the following chapter shows that while people in Germany generally support the energy transition (Energiewende), they believe that the implementation process is socially unjust and badly managed.
The following chapter illustrates, on the basis of empirical research results from the IASS and the Kopernikus project ENavi, that people in Germany support the energy transition, but consider its implementation to be socially unjust and not targeted enough.