19.11.2021 – 11.02.2022 14:00 – 15:00 Have you ever wanted to use your academic expertise to inform climate-related policies? Learn how you can start, and hear experts’ personal experiences! In this online...
Category Publication
According to the requirements of the Federal Climate Protection Act, emissions from the transport sector must be reduced to 95 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents per year by 2030, which corresponds to a reduction of 42 percent compared to 1990. This strong emissions reduction target can only be achieved through infrastructural changes and both technical and social innovations.
19.11.2021 – 11.02.2022 14:00 – 15:00 Have you ever wanted to use your academic expertise to inform climate-related policies? Learn how you can start, and hear experts’ personal experiences! In this online...
19.11.2021 – 11.02.2022 14:00 – 15:00 Have you ever wanted to use your academic expertise to inform climate-related policies? Learn how you can start, and hear experts’ personal experiences! In this online...
Category Publication
The Berlin Mobility Act (MobG BE) has raised great expectations for a rapid transformation of the capital into a people- and environmentally-friendly mobility space. This paper reviews progress in four areas of action.
Category Publication
The Berlin Mobility Act (MobG BE) has raised great expectations for a rapid transformation of the capital into a people- and environmentally-friendly mobility space. This paper reviews progress in four areas of action.
Category Media
Sophia Becker und Anke Sterz ziehen nach drei Jahren Berliner Mobilitätsgesetz eine überwiegend positive Bilanz und empfehlen anderen Städten, dem Beispiel zu folgen.
Category Publication
The Berlin Mobility Act (MobG BE) has raised great expectations for a rapid transformation of the capital into a people- and environmentally-friendly mobility space. This paper reviews progress in four areas of action.
Category Media
"Tempo 30 kann zu einer Abnahme von Schadstoffen führen. Für ein klimafreundliches Berlin bedarf es aber mehr als ein Tempolimit, sagen Wissenschaftler."