How COVID-19 is changing mobility behaviour and what this means for sustainable urban transport

Jarass, Julia; Schuppan, Julia; Stark, Kerstin (2021): Wie Corona das Mobilitätsverhalten verändert und was das für den nachhaltigen Stadtverkehr bedeutet. In: Just, Tobias, Plößl, Franziska (Eds.): Die Europäische Stadt nach Corona. Strategien für resiliente Städte und Immobilien. 79-95.
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed mobility behaviour. Many trips have been reduced due to the restrictions in everyday life, public transport has been shunned as a common means of transport, and in its place, there has been a shift to the private car as well as to walking and cycling. This article first analyses the developments and impacts of the pandemic on mobility. It then shows which new pathways transport policy and administration are taking to cope with the crisis. It presents innovative measures that some cities have implemented during the pandemic to promote pandemic resilient and healthy mobility. On the basis of this, the authors develop concrete ideas on how to use the pandemic as an opportunity for sustainable urban mobility.