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Should public transport be free of charge? Experience shows: Just because the bus costs nothing, far from all people stop using their cars.
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Drivers have been annoyed by high fuel prices for weeks. The German government wants to take countermeasures. But it also wants to make "good old" public transport more attractive through price incentives. Is that enough to keep Germany mobile?
Category Media
"The already rising fuel prices in Germany have quickly climbed to unimagined heights since the war in Ukraine began. Many complain about the effects, others see opportunities for the traffic transition. (...)"
Category Media
The attack on Ukraine makes rapid energy savings necessary. In their position paper, Sophia Becker and Ortwin Renn from the IASS focus on energy consumption. With the right incentives, consumption can be reduced without creating problematic social burdens.
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Being a woman is not a qualification. Just as being a man is not. But the lack of diversity in transport planning hinders the implementation of inclusive mobility. And the lack of accessibility in mobility infrastructure affects women more.
Category Blog
The 10% share of motorised private transport (MIV) calculated in the 2050 scenario (incl. car sharing, taxis, etc.) must have 100% alternative drive systems. This vision is supported at the municipal level in particular with subsidies for charging infrastructure for electric automobility. This long-term scenario illustrates that electric mobility, along with other alternative drive technologies, is seen as a key to achieving a decarbonised and sustainable transport system. Against this background, this article examines how the efforts to attain a 10% rate of motorised private transport in Berlin are currently distributed spatially.
Die Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Mobilität, Verkehr- und Klimaschutz, Referat Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung entwickelt aktuell das Berliner Energie- und Klimaschutzprogramm für den Umsetzungszeitraum 2022 bis 2026 (BEK 2030) weiter.
Forschungskolloquium des Fachgebiets Nachhaltige Mobilität und transdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden (NaMo) Sommersemsester 2021 Termin: mittwochs (14-tägig), 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr, Online-Veranstaltung
Category Media
How can urban spaces be designed to strengthen active mobility and the amenity quality of places? Julia Jarass talks about her experiences and insights for the Weltverbesserer-Podcast.
Welche Erfahrungen machen Sie mit Mobilität und Verkehr in Ihrem Alltag? Werden Sie Teil der Ausstellung und schicken Sie uns Ihre Fotos von Orten aus Ihrer Nähe, wo die Mobilität besonders gut oder besonders schlecht organisiert ist. Das kann eine Straßenkreuzung, ein Radweg oder eine Bahnstation sein. Es kann auch die Bäckerei im Dorf sein, die es ermöglicht, sonntags frische Brötchen zu holen, ohne das Auto benutzen zu müssen.