Lecture at KONRAD21 on 17.04.2021: How do cycling referendum campaigns succeed in driving the transport transition?
Category Blog
byProf. Dr Sophia Becker
17 April 2021
How successful are cycling referendum campaigns at advancing the transport transition?
(Keynote at KonRad21: Die Konferenz der Radentscheide (The Conference on Cycling Referendum Campaigns))
Resources for transformation
How does social change succeed and what role do "change agents" play in it?
- Dr Kora Kristof (2016): Erfolgsbedingungen von Veränderungsprozessen (Conditions for the success of transformation processes) and lecture video online or as pdf
- Prof. Dr Uwe Schneidewind (2018): Die Große Transformation. Eine Einführung in die Kunst gesellschaftlichen Wandels (The Great Transformation. An introduction to the art of social change) and lecture video online
What are the psychological and individual resources for transformation and how can they be fostered?
- Prof. Dr Marcel Hunecke: Psychische Ressourcen zur Förderung nachhaltiger Lebensstile (Psychological resources for promoting sustainable lifestyles) (pdf)
Analysing the Berlin Mobility Act and its development:
- Dirk von Schneidemesser et al.: Re-claiming the responsivity gap: The co-creation of cycling policies in Berlin's mobility law (pdf)
- Sophia Becker et al. (2021): The role of social identity in institutional work for sociotechnical transitions: The case of transport infrastructure in Berli (pdf)
What are the effects of pop-up bike lanes?
- Kraus & Koch (2021): Provisional COVID-19 infrastructure induces large,
rapid increases in cycling (pdf) - Götting & Becker (2020): Reaktionen auf die Pop-Up-Radwege in Berlin. Ergebnisse einer explorativen Umfrage zur temporären Radinfrastruktur im Kontext der Covid-19 Pandemie (Reactions to pop-up bike lanes in Berlin. Results of an exploratory survey on temporary cycling infrastructure in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic) (pdf)
- von Schneidemesser, Schmitz & Caseiro (2021): Creation of cycle lane on Kottbusser Damm leads to 22% reduction in air pollution (pdf)